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indian erotic

Ever since our marriage seven years ago, my spouse, Jhony, and I have enjoyed a satisfying sexual life. I had previously been married, but it ended in divorce. During the year I was single, I had other partners, but Jhony was the most fulfilling. We frequently utilize a vibrator during intercourse to induce an orgasm in me because I don't climax readily.

Jonathan works as a salesman and travels frequently. My dreams and my vibrator make me happy when he's not around. I have a somewhat substantial frame and stand five feet eight inches tall. I'm not obese by any means, but I've been called voluptuous. I have a 42DD breast, round hips, and well-proportioned legs. I maintain my shape with frequent exercise, and I'm happy with my appearance.

Warner, Jhony's best friend, dropped by our house without warning not too long ago. Due to their issues, he and his spouse had briefly parted ways. To exacerbate the situation, he had lost his job. He requested if he could stay with us for a few days, saying he really wanted to get away from it all. We said he could, of course.

He overheard us discussing painting the house a few days later. He proposed to complete the task himself. He would remain with us until the painting was finished, as we had agreed. He headed into town the following morning to purchase the necessary items. That afternoon, he began construction on the house.

He worked with only a pair of shorts and no shirt, and I couldn't help but notice how his sweaty, muscular body glistened in the hot July heat. I admit that I watched him work through the window for a while, wondering what it would be like to fuck him.

He asked me to come out and stabilize the ladder for him when he was ready to paint the highest place on the home. I couldn't believe what I was seeing as I looked up when he was on the ladder. His shorts were so baggy that I could see right through them to his penis! He had nothing on below! He was uncircumcised, unlike any other male I'd ever made love to. I was getting so thrilled at the sight that I could feel my crotch growing wet. I knew at that moment that I had to have him.

Upon completing the painting of the upper portion, I entered the home to prepare lunch for us. Since his arrival, I had been dressing rather conservatively, usually in pants and a baggy blouse. But I changed into some shorts and a halter top that day. After that, I called for him to join me for lunch outside on the patio while carrying the tray. When he rounded the house and saw me, you should have seen the expression on his face! He appeared to be in disbelief at what he saw! I simply grinned, acting as though nothing was unusual.

He took a seat across from me at the table. His gaze were fixed on my chest as we ate. I purposely leaned over to expose some cleavage to him every time I reached for my glass. Observing his emotions was making me feel increasingly attracted to him. Though he gave off the impression of being extremely apprehensive, the bulge in his shorts made it clear that he was also turned on.

He took up the tray full of filthy dishes and carried it back inside the house when we had done eating. He attempted, but failed, to conceal his erection with the tray. He returned to the kitchen, set the tray down on the counter by the sink, and I got to work cleaning the dishes. I was ecstatic and astonished by what happened next. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, his hands caressing both of my breasts. You're so darn cute, he said. I simply cannot take my hands off of you!

I then leaned back against him after untying my halter top to reveal my tits. Before long, my hands moved between our bodies, squeezing Warner's firm, full manhood. I had never felt such a large, hard dick before. I didn't believe I could wait so long to be fulfilled, knowing that Jhony wouldn't get home for several hours. Warner caressed my tits and gave my erect nipples a little squeeze, and I groaned with ecstasy.

In an instant, I declared, "I want you to fuck me right here and now!" I turned around, undid his shorts, and saw his massive, uncircumcised shaft for the first time. It must have measured at least ten inches in length and two inches in width when it stood at attention. I'd never met a real-life guy like this, although having watched plenty of them in X-rated films. Even after encircling the shaft with both hands, there were still a few inches to suck. The offer seemed too good to be true.

I got up, took off my shorts, and kicked them off. Warner gave me a leg raise on the kitchen table and plunged his massive penis straight into me. It slid in with ease because I was so moist. He started pumping wildly into my snatch, who was willing and ready. I have never been so fully satisfied. As he continued to pump in and out, I had two climaxes. I had never done that with anyone before. All of a sudden, he said, "Come with me, baby!" and gave me a load that gave me another orgasm. He pulled out, lowered his mouth to my love-box, and started working me over with his tongue as I laid there on the table, completely satisfied and exhausted.

Warner stayed with us for an additional week, and after lunch every day we made love. After that, he moved back home after he and his wife made up. We haven't got the chance to get together again since then.

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